french constitution of 1793 pdf

Pertue, M., "Constitution de 1793," in Soboul, A., Ed. 4. A primary meeting can in no case prescribe more than one manner of voting. 20. Gallimard. Constitution of 1795 (Year III), French constitution established during the Thermidorian Reaction in the French Revolution.Known as the Constitution of Year III in the French republican calendar, it was prepared by the Thermidorian Convention.It was more conservative than the abortive democratic Constitution of 1793. 47. 106. 68. 3rd revised edition, ed. The proposed law is printed and sent to all the communes of the republic, under the address of, Proposed law. The legislative body establishes the number of these agents, and their business. It decides by a majority of those present. Under the 1793 Constitution, France was declared to be a Liberal Democratic State based upon the principles of direct election and universal adult manhood franchise. That all men are born equally free and independent, and have certain natural, inherent, and unalienable rights, amongst which are the The Constitution of 1793 (French: Acte constitutionnel du 24 juin 1793), also known as the Constitution of the Year I or the Montagnard Constitution, was the second constitution ratified for use during the French Revolution under the First Republic. They shall conciliate and hold court without fees. The draftsmen were also placed on the elite Committee of Public Safety to maximize their resources. It cannot deliberate, unless it consist of 200 members. It was finally adopted in August 1795 and endorsed by a plebiscite three weeks later. The citizens, united in primary assemblies, nominate in proportion of 200 citizens, (they may be present or not,) one elector; two, for from 301 to 400;three, for from 501 to 600. No citizen is excluded from the honorable obligation to contribute towards the public expenses. These it refuses to deliver up to tyrants. 19. In criminal cases, no citizen can be put on trial, except a true bill of complaint be found by a jury, or by the legislative body. No encroachment can be made upon the right of citizens to have their matters in dispute decided on by arbitrators of their own choice. For every 40,000 individuals, one deputy is chosen. 25. THE CONSTITUTION OF 1793 Chapter I A Declaration of the Rights of the Inhabitants of the State of Vermont. 29. There shall be a municipal authority in each commune of the republic; and in each district an intermediate administration; and in each department a central administration. R.R. It decides on the violation of matters of form, and on transgressions expressed by law. 1963. There shall be an executive council, consisting of twenty-four members. 31. All Frenchmen are soldiers; all shall be exercised in the use of arms. It places the constitution under the guaranty of all virtues. The legislative body is one, indivisible and continual. On 27 February Robespierre invited the Jacobins to examine the draft. Its activity is limited to the execution of laws and decrees of the legislative body. A notice must precede the introduction of a bill. The Primary Assemblies were to comprise between 200 and 600 people, each representing an individual canton, who would vote to accept laws proposed by the Legislative Body, select deputies to the National Representation, and select electors to the Electoral Assemblies. The coach approached the scaffold (which stood approximately where the Obelisk decorating the Place de la Concorde stands today). Copyright ©2003 – 2021, The Thermidorian Reaction shunned the Montagnard Constitution and eventually supplanted it by the Constitution of 1795, which established the Directory. The choice is effected by an absolute majority of votes. It proceeds thereto, whatever the number of citizens [present] may be, who have a right to vote. 86. The executive council chooses, but not from its midst, the foreign agents of the republic. 17. The French Republic honors loyalty, courage, old age, filial devotion, and misfortune. by accepting offices of state, or favors which do not proceed from a democratic government; by being sentenced to dishonorable or corporal punishments, till reinstated in the former state. Article 1st. 52. The French Republic is one and indivisible. All males over the age of 25 who worked, owned land or other property in France, lived in France for over a year, or had family ties to a French person, or those specifically named by the legislative body would be considered citizens. They shall decide in the last resort on oral pleadings, or on a simple petition, without legal forms and without cost. L. Moore (2007) Liberty. In the Thermidorian Reaction, it was discarded in favor of a more conservative document, the Constitution of 1795. 44. Secretary. The electoral assembly of each department nominates a candidate. The administrative authorities and municipal officers have not a representative character. French Revolution = from absolutism to (reluctant) constitutional monarchy 1791-92 Constitutional Monarchy: Constitution drafted by National Assembly (3rd Estate plus supporters from 1st & 2cd) 1793 execution of Louis XIII as Citizen Capet III. It delegates to electors the choice of administrators, public civil judges, penal judges, and judges of cassation. Government of the Fifth Republic of France. Kennedy, M. L. "The Jacobin Clubs in the French Revolution: 1793-1795," p.53. This Constitution established a national government under the Directory. ), 1682: Charter of the Liberties and Frame of Government of Pennsylvania, 1683: Charter of Liberties and Privileges (New York), 1692: Shower, Reasons for a New Bill of Rights (Pamphlet), 1736: Brief Narrative of the Trial of Peter Zenger, 1744: Williams, Rights and Liberties of Protestants (Sermon), 1763: Otis, Rights of British Colonies Asserted (Pamphlet), 1765: Resolutions of the Stamp Act Congress, 1774: Declaration and Resolves of the 1st Continental Congress, 1776: Declaration of Independence (various drafts), 1776: Hutchinson, Strictures upon the Declaration of Independence, 1776: Witherspoon, Dominion of Providence over the Passions of Men (Sermon), 1785: Madison, Memorial and Remonstrance against Religious Assessments, 1786: Jefferson, Virginia Bill Establishing Religious Freedom, 1787: Jay, Address to the People of N.Y. (Pamphlet), 1787: Letters from the Federal Famer, Letter No. It specified that no citizen would be exempt from taxation and established regulations for military leadership and conduct and foreign relations. 116. The legislative body assigns the business of the municipal officers and of the administrative authorities, the rules regarding their subordination, and the punishments to which they may become liable. through the French territory; the admission of foreign vessels of war into the ports of the republic; the measures for the common peace and safety; the distribution of annual and momentary relief and of public works; the orders for the stamping of coins of every description; the unforeseen and extraordinary expenses; the local and particular orders for an administration, a commune, and any kind of public works; the nomination and removal of the commander-in-chief of the army; the carrying into effect the responsibility of members of the executive council, and of public officers; the accusation of discovered conspiracies against the common safety of the republic; every alteration in the division of the French territory; the national rewards. Sections 45 to 52 laid out specific procedures to be followed the Legislative Body, specifying a quorum of 200 members. PDF generated: 18 Feb 2021, 10:18 France 1958 (rev. 27. It shall every time be heard, when it shall have to give account. The Constitution of 1795 established a liberal republic with a … The executive council shall have its seat near the legislative body. The administrators are chosen by the electoral assemblies of the departments and of the district. 79. The declaration of rights and the constitutional act are graven upon tablets in the midst of the legislative body and in public places. The proceedings are in public. 38. 74. Walter, G. (1961) Le vaincu du neuf Thermidor, p. 51-52. Sections 7 through 44 specified the sovereign powers of the People, the Primary Assemblies, the National Representation, of the Electoral Assemblies, and of the Legislative Body. 35. In the case of a tied vote in the National Representation, the oldest member would supply the tie-breaking vote. The executioners bound his hands, led him up the stairs, and cut his hair. It exercises the power of police at the place of its sessions, and within the whole extent of its environs. 2. 67. Not till after a fortnight from the giving of notice can the debate begin, and the law be temporarily accepted. 15. The civil and penal code is the same for the whole republic. 104. No debate was to occur until 2 weeks after this distribution, and the bill would become law provided that no more than 1/10ths of the communes voted to voice objection to the law. II, part III. 1 (Pamphlet), 1793: Pacificus (Hamilton), No. If at the first voting, no absolute majority be effected, a second meeting shall be held, and those two citizens who had the most votes, shall be voted for again. Citizens sentenced to corporal or dishonorable punishment, or who had accepted offices or favors "which do not proceed from a democratic government" would lose their citizenship, which could be suspended if you were under investigation or being held in contempt of court. (3) Moreover, the French society was divided into three estates and only the members of the third estate paid taxes. The legislative body shall call it into its midst, in whole or in part, when it is thought necessary. 3. 18. 6. The national convention is formed in like manner as the legislatures, and unites in itself the highest power. The general military power of the republic consists of the whole people. The document represents a fundamental and historic shift in political priorities, one which contributed much to later democratic institutions and developments. The French people assembles every year on the 1st of May for election. 75. 57. [2] On 19 December Barère presented their first report. 80. The legislative body proposes laws, and issues decrees. Those same emergency powers would permit the Committee of Public Safety to conduct the Reign of Terror, and when that long period of violent political combat was over, the constitution was invalidated by its association with the defeated Robespierre. Walter, G. (1961) Le vaincu du neuf Thermidor, p. 44-48. Gallimard. The Constitution of 1793 (Acte constitutionnel du 24 juin 1793), also known as the Constitution of the Year I or The Montagnard Constitution, was the second constitution ratified for use during the French Revolution under the First Republic. The criminal judges are chosen annually by the electoral assemblies. The accounts of the agents of the national treasury, and those of the administrators of public moneys are taken annually, by responsible commissioners appointed by the executive council. Sections 53 to 55 specified what issues are matters of law, while 56 through 61 establish the path for a bill to become a law. 58. Consequently in 1792, another constitution was drafted and it was approved by the people in 1793. Liberty Fund, Inc. All rights reserved. The Constitution made explicit that representation would only be determined by population, not by groups (as in the Estates-General, in which each Estate had its separate representation). These agents are supervised by officers of account, whom the legislative body shall elect, but who cannot be taken from their own body: they are responsible for abuses of which they do not give legal notice to the courts. The state of facts and the intention are passed upon by a jury. Extraordinary primary meetings are held at the demand of one-fifth of the eligible citizens. It suffers no interference of other nations with its own. It shall be renewed each half session of every legislature, in the last months of its session. The municipalities and the administrative authorities are annually renewed one-half. 50. 48. It is managed by public accountants, whom the legislative body shall elect. The Constitution of 24 June 1793 (French: Acte constitutionnel du 24 juin 1793), also known as the Constitution of the Year I, or the The Montagnard Constitution (French: Constitution montagnarde), was the constitution instated by the Montagnards and by popular referendum under the First Republic during the French Revolution.Drafted by the Committee of Public … The Constitution of 24 June 1793 [1] (French: Acte constitutionnel du 24 juin 1793), also known as the Constitution of the Year I, or the The Montagnard Constitution [2] (French: Constitution montagnarde), was the constitution instated by the Montagnards and by popular referendum under the First Republic during the French Revolution.Drafted by the Committee of Public … 26. Every Frenchman, who enjoys the rights of a citizen, is eligible throughout the whole republic. The Constitution of 1791 National Assembly September 3, 1791 HistoryWiz Primary Source [Preamble] The National Assembly, wishing to establish the French Constitution upon the principles it has just recognized and declared, abolishes irrevocably the institutions which were injurious to liberty and equality of rights. 36. The legislative power is delegated to a National Assembly, composed of temporary representatives freely elected by the people, to be exercised by it, with the sanction of the King, in the manner hereinafter determined. After being drafted and approved by the Legislative Body, the law would be considered a "proposed law" and voted on by all of the communes of France. 21. 100. If protest be made, the legislative body calls together the primary meetings. Following the seating of the National Convention, the new Constitution of 1793 was set up for the new republican state of France. 39. Prezi. 45. It cannot refuse to members the floor, in the order in which they demand the same. It concludes no peace with an enemy that holds possession of its territory. The debates in their sessions shall be printed. They are separated one from the other, and have no relation among themselves. In case of an equality of age, the casting of lots shall decide. Theodore D. Woolsey (Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1883). Source: Appendix to Francis Lieber, On Civil Liberty and Self-Government, 3rd revised edition, ed. 60. III, 1787: Letters from the Federal Farmer, No. It places the trust of the constitution under the guardianship of all the virtues. 65. 81. The distinction of grade, the military marks of distinction and subordination, exist only in service and in time of its duration. Charlesde laCroix Gossuin, P. A. Laloy, The members of this court are appointed annually through the electoral assemblies. of the division of the people. The Changing Profile of the Natural Law. 96. 37. P.16. Because of the emergency, however, the Convention placed the new constitution on the shelf in October and declared that “the provisional government of France is revolutionary … The French people is, for the purpose of exercising its sovereignty, divided into primary assemblies according to cantons. They are organized, after a president, secretaries and collectors of votes have been appointed. The declaration of the rights of man and the constitution shall be engraven on tables, to be placed in the midst of the legislative body, and in public places. 99. 1. 43. (Signed) COLLOT D'HERBOIS, President. The Us Constitution Vs The French Constitution By Natalie Grace Stembridge The US Constitution The French Constitution formed out of rebellion toward the British crown has been amended 27 times has 7 articles the preamble of the constitution reflects The Declaration of the Rights. . Payne, Sieyès, Barère and Danton were commissioned to prepare a new constitution. 16. "Dictionnaire Historique de la Revolution Francaise," p.283, Quadrige/PUF, Paris: 2005. The National Convention and the French Republic Autumn of 1792, revolutionary government set about electing a National Convention of delegates to oversee France (late September, first election took place under rules of Constitution of 1791) Only 1/3 of newly elected members had sat on a previous assembly, and many new members belonged to either Jacobins… 7 (Pamphlet), 1787: Madison’s Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention, 1787: Mason: Objections to the Proposed Constitution (Letter), 1787: P. Webster, The Weakness of Brutus (Pamphlet), 1787: Ramsay, Address to the Freemen of Sth. the annual establishment of the land and marine forces; the permission or refusal of the marching of foreign troops. 113. In: L’œuvre, vol. If of the absolute majority of departments, the tenth part of their regularly formed primary assemblies demand a revision of the constitution, or an alteration of some of its articles; the legislative body is obliged to call together all primary assemblies of the republic, in order to ascertain whether a national convention shall be called. These extraordinary meetings can transact business only when at least more than one-half of the qualified voters are present. The deputies can, at no time, be held answerable, accused or condemned on account of opinions uttered within the legislative body. Though the Constitution was overwhelmingly popular and its drafting and ratification buoyed popular support for the Montagnards, the convention set it aside indefinitely on 10 October 1793 and declared a "Revolutionary Government" until a future peace. The legislative body preserves the accounts. 46. 51. Palmer (1973) The Twelve who ruled, p. 37. The Lives and Times of Six Women in Revolutionary France, p. 379. If, forty days after the sending in of the proposed law, of the absolute majority of departments, one-tenth of all the primary meetings, legally assembled by the departments, have not protested, the bill is accepted and becomes a law. It is occupied, as regards the constitution, only with those subjects which caused its being called together. Significant civil and political events by year. 82. Louis dismounted the carriage and removed his coat and collar. Every deputy belongs to the whole nation. 22. Declaration of the Rights of the Man and of the Citizen of 1793, insurrection and the fall of the Girondins, Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen of 1793, Revolutionary Ideas: An Intellectual History of the French Revolution ... by Jonathan Israel, Chapter XIII, Preface to Constitution of 1793 with a declaration of the rights of man and citizen including right to rebellion, 1793: French Republic Constitution of 1793 - Online Library of Liberty, Prince Frederick, Duke of York and Albany, Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick, Frederick Louis, Prince of Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen, François Alexandre Frédéric, duc de la Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, comte de Mirabeau, Alexandre-Théodore-Victor, comte de Lameth, Louis Michel le Peletier de Saint-Fargeau, List of people associated with the French Revolution,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with French-language sources (fr), Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Alpaugh, Micah. The primary assemblies are formed of the citizens who have resided six months in a canton. 121. 115. A Rigid Constitution: Under Title XVI and Art. 2. 9. Constitution of 1793 (June) Republican constitution that was never implemented; sections lifted exactly from Robespierre's Declaration of Rights and does not include a king; allows freedom of religion and recognizes abominations of slavery; contradicts itself (i.e. United States of America's Constitution of 1789 with Amendments through 1992 [10] The ensuing Reign of Terror culminated in the disgrace and execution of Robespierre and Saint-Just in 1794. P.243, Gupta, Madan Gopal. The elections are made either by secret or loud voting, at the pleasure of each voter. The French Republic is one and indivisible. 95. The municipal officers are chosen by the assemblies of the commune. It is obliged, if possible, to inform the judicial authorities regarding them. Fascination with constitutions and constitutional government was a creature of the Enlightenment. The Constitution of 22 August 1795 (also known as the Constitution of the Year III, or the Constitution of 5 Fructidor) was a national constitution of France ratified by the National Convention on 22 August 1795 (5 Fructidor of the Year III under the French Revolutionary Calendar) during the French Revolution.It established the Directory, and remained in effect until … The Convention deemed their work to be of supreme importance, to be completed "in the shortest possible time. 66. 87. It has the right of censorship on the conduct of the members in its midst. They can, in no case, limit the resolves of the legislative body, nor the execution of them. The executive council is responsible for the non-execution of the laws and decrees, and the abuses, of which it does not give notice. The members of the executive council are, in case of violation of duties, accused by the legislative body. 105. 90. 1 (Pamphlet), 1796: George Washington’s “Farewell Address” (Speech), 1798-1992: US Bill of Rights Amendments (XI-XXVII), 1798: Counter-resolutions of Other States, 1798: Kentucky Resolutions (Jefferson’s Draft), 1799: Report of the Virginia House of Delegates, 1802: Jefferson, Letter to the Danbury Baptist Association (Letter), Pocket Guide to Political and Civic Rights. 33 relations. Their number and extent of power shall be established by the legislative body. Every assembly makes an abstract of the votes, and sends a commissioner to the appointed central place of general record. Designed by the Montagnards, principally Maximilien Robespierre and Louis Saint-Just, it was intended to replace the constitutional monarchy of 1791 and the Girondin constitutional project. The French Constitution is representative; the representatives are the legislative body and the King. No one is allowed to appear there with arms. 85. In case of an equal division of votes, the oldest person has the preference, no matter whether he was voted for, or whether he was chosen without it. Constitution/Bill of Rights, 1787-1791 Page 3 From a pamphlet written by Richard Henry Lee: A resident of Maryland wrote this in a letter to the newspaper Maryland Gazette and Baltimore Advertiser: From a letter Samuel Adams wrote to Richard Henry Lee: A central government which can impose and collect taxes on the people within a state, 97. It was held via universal male suffrage, with voting on different days in different departments, in some cases after the result was proclaimed in Paris on 9 August 1793.While most voters abstained, of those who voted, 99.41% majority approved.The events took place during the French revolution … 73. But, this constitution was also severely criticized by the revolutionaries. Those persons appointed to revise the accounts are under the supervision of commissioners, who are elected by the legislative body, not out of their own number; and they are responsible for the frauds and mistakes of accounts, of which they do not give notice. On 22 April the Convention discussed article 29: the right of resistance. 64. It declared the Republic's respect for "loyalty, courage, age, filial love, and misfortune". Durand-Maillane, Ducos, Meaulle, By the general name of law, are understood the provisions of the legislative body which concern: 55. 1958 Constitution:The current Constitution of French was adopted in 1958, although several subsequent amendments have been made.This Constitution is frequently referred to as the Constitution of the Fifth Republic to distinguish it from the many prior constitutions that were in effect for various historical periods. Finally, it guaranteed the right to equality, liberty, security, property, the public debt, free exercise of religion, general instruction, public assistance, the absolute liberty of the press, the right of petition, the right to hold popular assemblies, and the "enjoyment of all the rights of man". On 11 December 1792 Brissot, Pétion de Villeneuve, Marquis de Condorcet, Vergniaud, Gensonné, Th. 77. Berghahn Books, New York: 2000. 89. In criminal cases, they may be arrested if caught in the act;but the warrant of arrest and the warrant of committal can be issued only by the legislative body. It shall have admittance to, and a special seat at the place of session. The French nation declares that in any case it will not permit the return of the French who, having abandoned their fatherland since July 15, 1789, are not included in the exceptions contained in the laws against the émigrés; and it forbids the legislative body to create new exceptions upon this point. 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