who colonized mexico

The Colonization of Colombia Despite its name, Colombia was not founded by the explorer Christopher Columbus; he never even set foot in the country throughout the history of Colombia. When he returned, he had the enemies hanged, but the Crown remained suspicious and Cortes, hoping to clear his name went to Spain . Records reveal that one inspiration for the character of Zorro, a William Lamport who attempted to start a revolution in Mexico, was not Mexican or Spanish, but Irish. These works did find there way into the private libraries, however .The  crime of heresy, which was punishable by burning at the stake ( auto-de-fe ) , with the prisoners often strangled first . The Indians owed them tribute as well as forced labor and was a thinly disguised form of slavery . The expedition had one unintended consequence . Eventually the vast majority of the native population was killed off by European diseases from which it had no immunity such as small pox and measles. The was also a tax on imports and exports called an almojarifazgo .With the ' free hand ' of economics stifled, industry could not grow and advance, which was to have terrible consequences for Spain's colonies and Spain itself . An artistic rendering of the retreat of Hernán Cortés from Tenochtitlán, the Aztec capital, in 1520. 20,000 had arrived by 1553 .Many Filipinos and Chinese entered on the Manila galleons, possibly as many as 6,000 by the 17th century . The friars need churches for all these new Christians and a uniquely Mexican architectural form was created to accommodate these large numbers of new converts . It was used with greater frequency in the 18th century to prosecute those involved in political  dissent . Once he established his realm he invited Christian missionaries to the country. In 1549 the labor obligation was abolished and tribute forbidden for Indians .It was reasoned enough Indians would become laborers if they were offered fair pay, but few wished to. While the physical decimation of the native population was a crucial element in the colonization of Mexico, it was only part of the dehumanization of the natives. Meanwhile, the first bishop of Mexico Juan de Zumarraga arrived in 1527 . The novel Aztec Autumn by Gary Jennings is an account of this war .Nine years after the Mixton Rebellion, it's continuation, the Chichimeca War began and went on for half a century, with the Spanish eventually buying off the Chichimecs . South Africa was colonized by two different powers, the Dutch and the English. It reflects some of the exuberance of the newly rich crillos of the times, especially the super rich silver barons who built such churches as the Zacatecas Cathedral  and the Santiago thatelolco in Mexico City. In fact, in 1499 the territory was discovered by his companion Alonso de Ojeda, who arrived there from nearby Santo Domingo, landing at Cabo de la Vela. Don Antonio de Mendoza, count of Tendilla, accepted the appointment as viceroy after three others had declined and arrived in Mexico in 1535. colonization affect New Mexico’s native population? Mexico is a large country that was reborn as a result of the European colonization of the Americas. Before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth rock, Mexico City was a piece of Europe in the New world with cathedrals, plazas, hospitals and universities . Creoles could not hold royal office .Only whites were allowed to wear fine silk clothes, be called gentlemen ( caballeros ) and ladies ( damas ). When similar laws were enacted in Peru an insurrection resulted which took the life of the viceroy .In 1564, the Crown decreed that all encomiendas would cease upon the death of the holder . Some of the haciendas were vast, one family ranch covered over 11 million acres . The viceroyalty was to administer a vast territory from California to Panama, Caribbean islands and the Philippines  . Through widespread use in Europe, the Americas and the Far East, it became the first world currency by the late 18th century. The Churrigueresque style Cathedral in the silver town of Zacatecas, In the 17th century a more distinctively Mexican style emerged, the ultra  baroque Churrigueresque style ( named after Jose Churriguera, a Spanish architect ). I should also point out that France totally did try to colonize those areas: once in 1808 with the Napoleonic invasion of Spain and again 1861 with French intervention in Mexico! Mestizo, persons with one peninsular parent and one indio parent. In the early years building were built along gothic, mudejar ( Moorish ) and Romanesque lines . By 1900, when the force of the quick colonization was over, the majority of the land in Africa was divided up amongst seven different European colonizing nations: Britain, France, Spain, … Across colonial Mexico twelve thousand churches were built and today almost ninety percent of Mexico's population is Roman Catholic. The Catholic reverence for saints, with their holidays and elaborate  religious processions were similar to Mesoamerican practices . The Spaniards renamed Tenochititlan 'Mexico City' and rebuilt it as the capital of Nueva Espana ( New Spain ). .The Bourbons streamlined the vice regal administration, replacing 200 low paid, unskilled corregidores and local mayors with 12 regional intendents . The new territories extended through most of Central America and much of the south and west of what is now the United States. Father Miguel Hidalgo declared Mexico's independence with his … Jeff Corwin takes his Extreme Cuisine down to Oaxaca for a demonstration of how to harvest the larvae of wood beetles, (called chiricoco), an important source of protein for the indigenous families. The also taught Spanish to the Indians and opened universities for Indian nobles , such as.\ Franciscan college of Santa cruz de Tlatelolco. Although colonial influence largely reshaped Mexico, its Native American roots … Metropolitan Cathedral ( Catedral Metropolitana ) Begun in 1573 and worked on for hundreds of years .built on top of an Aztec temple and has been sinking since its construction .There are altarpieces here by the colonial painter Juan Correa . Enter your search terms Submit search form. The Spanish population grew during that time. In 1765 he dispatched to New Spain Jose de Galvez as visitor general . By 1524, almost all of the Aztec empire, along with such regions as Colina, the valley of Oaxaca and the Isthmus of Tehuantepec had been brought under control of the colony .Ports were set up such as Acapulco to search for a passage to the East . Enemies of Cortes spread rumors that he cheated the crown. there were an estimated 25 million before the conquest and a little over a million by 1605 .The Indian population did not revive until 1650 .African slaves were imported to make up for the decrease in the Indian labor pool. the reforms benefited  the peninsulares at the expense of the creoles .The new  intendents were all from Spain replacing the creoles who usually held the old corregidore positions before . In 1562 the Crown bought the fortress. The Pillar type coins were produced in Mexico from 1536 to 1572, The shield type were produced from 1572 to 1734, The Waves and pillar type were produced from 1651 to 1773, The Milled pillar type was produced from 1731 to 1772, The milled pillar bust types were produced from 1771 to 1821, you can see the Bourbon fleur-de-lis, Cortes: Mendoza appointed Francisco Vazquez de Coronado to search for Cibola and the seven cities of Gold rumored to exist in the north in 1540 . All trade with New Spain had to be approved by Spain and carried on Spanish ships and through the one official port of Vera Cruz to collect duties . For example, a ranchero needed a permit to slaughter a cow for his own consumption . The baptism of Indians began with the march of Cortes . Cortes was appointed governor and captain general of New Spain in 1522 and he moved energetically to explore new lands and develop the economy .Cortes brought the first stocks of cattle to Mexico as well as sheep and goats and introduced European plants . The mendicant monks were respected for their vows of poverty , monastic life and humble character . When Charles II died in 1700, the line of the Spanish Hapsburg's died with him. In 1529 Nuno de Guzman became one of three judges in Mexico City which led to one of the lowest points of Spanish administration in Mexico .This period between the rule of Cortes and the viceroys  was a time of corruption, graft and injustice as Guzman and the other oidores sought to enrich themselves and gain power . Permission was need to publish from the viceroy and the bishop . Subscribe to our Mexico Newsletter - It's Free, See Also: Essential Skills for Expats Series, See Also: Articles about Learning Spanish, See Also: Articles about Mexican Beverages. A statue of Lamport is immediately inside the monument to Independence. Some Indians learned Latin so well that they taught it to the Spanish settlers .In the mid 16 century, the friars worked with the Indians to write about their native history and customs in their own language . Throughout much of the north, the first Spanish settlers were Franciscans and Jesuits who established missions. The Inquisition also exercised control over printed works that entered the colony , especially those of the Enlightenment writers. The main products were silver, sugar, cacao, hides and fine woods. He paid for the conquistadors wives to come to Mexico from Spain and encouraged his men to marry native women, beginning the first mestizos, children of Spanish and native Mexican blood .

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