where is lavender grown

Lavender is a Mediterranean plant, and requires a similar climate to thrive. Long-lived and hardy border plants include cultivars of the English lavender (Lavandula angustifolia and L. × intermedia). [22], The greens are used similarly to rosemary or combined with rosemary to flavour meat and vegetables in savory dishes. Within the Lavandula clade, the subclades correspond to the existing sections, but place Dentatae separately from Stoechas, not within it. United States Lavender Growers Association 2022 Conference. The lavender fields of Provence and Norfolk are famous. Richard Gray Lavender is one of the best lavenders for a small boarder. & Muschl.) Lavender plants are easy to buy from your local garden centre or plant nursery and this is the route that most people will take. As natives of the Mediterranean, they ideally like their summers hot and dry, and winters cool. Lavender’s native habitat is the area around the Mediterranean Sea which has dry, chalky/rocky ground, so it thrives on hot, dry, rocky, or sandy soil. It can be grown in pots, as a ground cover or border or as a hedge. Lavender is also used in scented waters and sachets. Other commonly grown ornamental species are L. stoechas, L. dentata, and L. multifida (Egyptian lavender). [25], For most cooking applications the dried buds, which are also referred to as flowers, are used. Tours last about an hour, which means you can get right into these unspoiled, vibrant fields to learn how lavender is made into oil and about the different types grown in the UK. Within the Fabricia clade, the subclades correspond to Pterostoechas, Subnudae, and Chaetostachys. The corolla is also tubular, usually with five lobes (the upper lip often cleft, and the lower lip has two clefts).[6][7]. Certified Organic Lavender grown in Tasmania Australia.Botanical Name: Lavandula officinalis Do you make products with Lavender in them that you don't see the lavender? [42], Some people experience contact dermatitis, allergic eczema, or facial dermatitis from topical use of lavender oil on skin.[4][5]. A wide range of cultivars can be found. [22] It is used as a spice or condiment in pastas, salads and dressings, and desserts. Lavenders thrive in warm, temperate climates, but also grow in cool and cold areas, depending on the variety. [12] The name "French lavender" may refer to either L. stoechas or to L. dentata. Reboul's Cuisinière Provençale. [16] It grows best in soils with a pH between 6 and 8. In its 19th-century heyday, the South-East was a world centre of lavender production, grown for its decorative, medicinal and culinary uses. The flowers range from white to light pink and purple-blue. However all the major cultivated and commercial forms resided in the Stoechas and Spica sections. [23][24] Their buds and greens are used in teas, and their buds, processed by bees, are the essential ingredient of monofloral honey. [19], The US Food and Drug Administration considers lavender as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) for human consumption. When lavender is grown in proper conditions, the plant is known to produce lavender for about 10 years, though plants have been known to live up to 20 years. There were four species within Stoechas (Lavandula stoechas, L. dentata, L. viridis and L. pedunculata) while Spica had three (L. officinalis (now L. angustifolia), L. latifolia and L. lanata). Lavender is not exclusive to Provence or even to France; there are lavender farms to be found in many parts of the world, as far afield as New South Wales & Western Australia, Tuscany & Sicily, Italy, and even in fact in some southerly regions of the UK., but none of these regions can compete with Provence in terms of tradition, and of sheer scale. Although lavender has a large, spreading root system, it prefers growing in a tight space. Simon holds a National Collection of lavender, grows more than 400 varieties and exports to 26 countries. Growing lavender is easy and rewarding. If and when you move your plants, MAKE SURE you account for the lavender’s size when it’s full grown and then calculate a bit more to make room for the blooms. There are many different lavender cultivars, but according to a report released by ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture, “An acre of true lavender (L. angustifolia) produces from 300 to 1,800 pounds of dried flowers (12 to 15 pounds of essential oil = about two gallons).” Lavender farmer Jody Byrne explains that lavender is a low maintenance crop that turns a high profit. [18] The lavandins are widely cultivated for commercial use, since their flowers tend to be bigger than those of English lavender and the plants tend to be easier to harvest, but lavandin oil is regarded by some to be of a lower quality than that of English lavender, with a perfume less sweet. It is native to the Old World and is found in Cape Verde and the Canary Islands, and from Europe across to northern and eastern Africa, the Mediterranean, southwest Asia to southeast India. Lavender isn’t just a beautiful plant (especially when grown on farms over vast landscapes), but it can also be good for your health and can be used in cooking. While it produced commercial lavender, he still saw the property as very much a family farm, "where a crop is grown to the best of my skill set and harvested in … [17] Most lavender is hand-harvested, and harvest times vary depending on intended use.[17]. Despite dozens of preliminary clinical studies on the potential for lavender oil or other lavender plant components to affect human diseases, there are no confirmed anti-disease or health effects as of 2018, mainly due to the poor quality of study design and conduct. [4][5], The genus includes annual or short-lived herbaceous perennial plants, and shrub-like perennials, subshrubs or small shrubs. They are simple in some commonly cultivated species; in other species, they are pinnately toothed, or pinnate, sometimes multiple pinnate and dissected. The Versatility of Lavender 12 Things You Maybe Didn't Know About Lavender 13 Photos In the following sections, let us find more about Lavender Cultivation from seed and cuttings. Lavender is a woody perennial, so it does continue to grow from year to year, but the stems remain upright through the winter in preparation for new spring growth. Lavender is traditionally used as a culinary herb as well as an ingredient in cosmetics and medicine. Pruning should not be confused with harvesting. Lavender ‘Provence’ (Lavandula x Intermedia) is a perennial, evergreen, sub shrub. She lists the early flowerers in the Angustifolia range as: Martha served, and Lazarus was one of those reclining with him at table. [20] The essential oil was used in hospitals during World War I. Lavender flowers are occasionally blended with black, green, or herbal teas. So once a night has passed in game, you will usually find some that has grown in the snowy areas of the map. [6], During Roman times, flowers were sold for 100 denarii per pound, which was about the same as a month's wages for a farm laborer, or fifty haircuts from the local barber. Space to play or pause, M to mute, left and right arrows to seek, up and down arrows for volume. Types of Lavender that grow best in your region. Lavender. Lavender grows slowly in the fall and often plants are not sufficiently established to get through winter rains and cold. “In addition, lavender improved associated symptoms such as restlessness, disturbed sleep, and somatic complaints and had a beneficial influence on general well-being and quality of life.”. Lavender plants can produce flowers ranging from a light purple, yellow, violet, and all the way to white Lavender is grown best in hot climates and is native to the Mediterranean area. Lavender’s native habitat is the area around the Mediterranean Sea which has dry, chalky/rocky ground, so it thrives on hot, dry, rocky, or sandy soil. We are ready to partner with you and your brand to bring high-quality, third-party tested lavender products to your unique customer base. Botanical name: Lavandula. Pelindaba Lavender Farm, located on Washington state's San Juan Island, is one of the largest lavender farms in the country.It's also certified organic, and the farm has an on-site distillery where they extract the essential oils, which are later used in over 200 handcrafted products, which they sell at … Lavender originated around the Mediterranean. Lavender loves full sun (at least 8 hours per day or more). The countryside of southern France is legendary for its fields of lavender (Lavandula x intermedia Provence) grown for the perfume industry. ‘There was a slump in the 1960s and 1970s,’ Simon continues. [3] The most widely cultivated species, Lavandula angustifolia, is often referred to as lavender, and there is a color named for the shade of the flowers of this species. Choosing and Preparing a Planting Site. Despite its use over centuries in traditional medicine and cosmetics, there is no high-quality clinical evidence that lavender has any effects on diseases or improves health. English lavender does not tolerate humid summers very well, but other lavenders will happily grow in areas of mild humidity. This means that if you place it next to a plant that prefers more attention, one of them is going to suffer. ).Its common names include lavender, true lavender or English lavender (though not native to England); also garden lavender, common lavender, and narrow-leaved lavender.Most aromatic lavenders in world are found in Kashmir only. Her sections included Stoechas, Spica, Subnudae, Pterostoechas, Chaetostachys and Dentatae. English Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia): Averages between 2 to 3 feet when fully grown, it blooms between June and August every year. The Mona Lavender (a species from the genus plectranthus) is the ideal houseplant for anyone who loves the color purple.Unlike many other members of its genus, this lovely hybrid is primarily grown for its attractive lavender flowers, which will appear throughout a long bloom period. The fragrant, pale purple flowers and flower buds are used in potpourris. Lavender likes heat, and many varieties won't survive a cold winter. The ancient Greeks called the lavender herb νάρδος : nárdos, Latinized as nardus, after the Syrian city of Naarda (possibly the modern town of Dohuk, Iraq). Where outdoor planting is not practical, you can always grow your lavender in pots and move it to follow the sun, or even bring it indoors for the winter. Lavender flavours baked goods and desserts, pairing especially well with chocolate. First off begin with choosing a variety that is better able to tolerate the conditions inside a home. Lavender ‘Provence’ has a fragrance and oil that is highly regarded and grown … This Lavender or Nardus was called Asarum by the Romans, because it was not used in garlands or chaplets. The most common form in cultivation is the common or English lavender Lavandula angustifolia (formerly named L. officinalis). Lavender promotes peaceful sleep, helps with tension relief, and can be used to soothe skin irritation. Lavender is best grown in neatly clipped hedges, in pots, in a herb circle, knot garden or courtyard.Coastal gardens, rocky slopes and planter boxes are all good environments for lavender. Lavender can be grown from seed, though it should be noted that this can be tricky since the seed is slow to germinate and germination can be patchy, especially if conditions are not optimal. Such spontaneous growth is usually harmless, but in some cases Lavandula species have become invasive. Preparations for Growing Lavender. It also finds a place in more formal planting schemes, along the edges of a path, perhaps, where its fragrance can be regularly enjoyed. Woody perennial stems remain upright in the ground during winter, but herbaceous perennials retreat underground until winter is over. L. pedunculata was included within L. stoechas. Along with that, it is about 2 – 5 feet tall . [14], Lavenders flourish best in dry, well-drained, sandy or gravelly soils in full sun. Sensational!™ Lavender is an improved, easy-to-grow variety that makes growing lavender accessible to more gardeners than ever! Consider using a terra-cotta pot for growing lavender indoors. However, since lavender cross-pollinates easily, countless variations present difficulties in classification. However it is suggested that this explanation may be apocryphal, and that the name may be derived from Latin livere, "blueish".[11]. It is also used to make "lavender sugar".[25]. A defoliating moth larva has been reported in Australia. A taxonomic study of the genus Lavandula. Lavender is as popular with gardeners as it is to bees and there are plenty varieties to choose from. latifolia. She started her education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1991, the same year as the famous Harry Potter. It is frequently to be found in cottage gardens. Weed control is especially important during the first two years of growth as the plants become established. They are typically very hardy plants that can handle some neglect. Carol grows a range of lavenders including Lavandula x intermedia 'Grosso' - an English lavender, hybridised in the lavender-growing regions of Provence, specifically for its oil content. Lavender is a flowering herb producing a variety of colors in their blooms. During cooler winter months, water only when soil is dry to the touch about 1 inch deep. Some species produce coloured bracts at the apices. Learning how to grow lavender is easy - just respect where the plant came from and match it to those conditions! It needs full sun, little water, and little to no fertilizer. The normal grow pattern for this is every night. ).Its common names include lavender, true lavender or English lavender (though not native to England); also garden lavender, common lavender, and narrow-leaved lavender.Most aromatic lavenders in world are found in Kashmir only. The character, a notable member of Dumbledore's Army in the book series, was portrayed by three different actresses over the span of the eight movie installments, with the most notable being Jessie Cave from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince onwards. Types of Lavender that grow best in your region. Pictured: 'Hidcote Giant''Lady', a Zone 6 seed-grown variety (other lavenders originate as cuttings), is the only lavender to reliably bloom its first summer. "English lavender" is commonly used for L. angustifolia, though some references say the proper term is "Old English Lavender". The porous clay … Lavender is used in savory dishes, giving stews and reduced sauces aromatic flair. Silvery foliage is topped by large, dense purple flower spikes. Lavender is also used as herbal filler inside sachets used to freshen linens. English lavender and most hybrid types are hardy and can be left in the garden all year. Lavender is an herb and perennial whose roots originally grew in the Mediterranean. If you do grow lavender, make sure that you keep it dry. Lavender loves full sun (at least 8 hours per day or more). She believed that the garden varieties were hybrids between true lavender L. angustifolia and spike lavender (L. latifolia). In France, a common name for it is “butterfly lavender” because … Check it out here stoechas. The verse has a few compelling pieces that could lead someone to that conclusion. John visits a lavender farm in Victoria. The verse also says the house was filled with its fragrance leading one to believe it may be fragrant lavender. Though E5 chooses to work with a fragrance house as opposed to using essential oils (see why here), examining the lavender essential oil market is still a way to see the profit and demand the lavender plant brings to the consumer packaged goods industry. From the Middle Ages onwards, the European species were considered two separate groups or genera, Stoechas (L. stoechas, L. pedunculata, L. dentata) and Lavandula (L. spica and L. latifolia), until Linnaeus combined them. This easy-to-grow shrub thrives in a sunny spot, in free-draining soil or a container. [9], Lavandula has three subgenera:[citation needed], In addition, there are numerous hybrids and cultivars in commercial and horticultural usage.[6]. Our lavender box is designed specifically for posting and contains a lovely mix of items from our farm. by Kaitlin | May 28, 2020 | CBD Formulation. It was formerly believed that the asp, a dangerous kind of viper, made Lavender its habitual place of abode, so that the plant had to be approached with great caution. Its easy-care attributes mean that it doesn't want any chemical help to grow and, once established, requires almost no watering. [39], The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) states that lavender is considered likely safe in food amounts and possibly safe in medicinal amounts. The first major clade corresponds to subgenus Lavandula, and the second Fabricia. Although it's not native to Canada, disease-resistant lavender is a good green choice, as well. where lavender grows. When and where to go to experience the lavender season in Provence… Lavender starts to bloom around the time of the summer solstice, mid to end June, until it is harvested, end July to middle of August. To successfully grow Lavender indoors you need to create optimal growing conditions which is hard to do inside a house. The name lavender comes from the Latin root, “lavare” which means to wash. For the color, see, Chaytor D A. The most common type of Lavender used for tea is English Lavender, Lavandula Angustifolia. If planting in the fall, use larger, more established plants to ensure survival through the winter. Lavender is very particular in its growing requirements. It is said that Queen Elizabeth prized a lavender conserve (jam) at her table, so lavender was produced as a jam at that time, as well as used in teas both medicinally and for its taste. Lavender Phenomenal is a fairly large lavender with a height of 32 inches and a width or 30 inches once fully grown. Commercially, the plant is grown mainly for the production of lavender essential oil of lavender. We have an Australian grown Lavender Leaf & Flower product available that is now priced to clear! Growing lavender presents its own challenges and rewards. When taken as a tea, lavender has been used to treat insomnia, depression, stress, headaches, and a variety of gastrointestinal ailments.”, The anxiolytic effect of lavender ranked superior to a placebo treatment in 221 patients according to a published study. La Selva Lavender is grown on a small family farm just two miles from the Pacific Ocean on the Monterey Bay. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 2004, United States Department of Agriculture GRIN: Lavandula, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lavandula&oldid=992888788, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2019, Articles containing Old French (842-ca. Carol also uses various cultivars of English lavender to get continuity of flowering. Lavender can be grown indoors with a bit of effort to keep it in the conditions it loves to thrive. Like building a house a good foundation is the key to success in your garden. Lavender plants can produce flowers ranging from a light purple, yellow, violet, and all the way to white Lavender is grown best in hot climates and is native to the Mediterranean area. Monofloral honey is produced primarily around the Mediterranean, and is marketed worldwide as a premium product. The lavandins Lavandula × intermedia are a class of hybrids of L. angustifolia and L. REVIVE Lavender is grown exclusively in the fertile grounds of Bulgaria where the climate and altitude create ideal growing conditions. The Sabaudia group is less clearly defined. 6d.) [2], Many members of the genus are cultivated extensively in temperate climates as ornamental plants for garden and landscape use, for use as culinary herbs, and also commercially for the extraction of essential oils. An essay by Mia Caputo about growing up queer, the struggles that queer kids face from a young age to being a teenager, along with how one can find pride in themselves. “Six days before the Passover, Jesus therefore came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. The cool coastal temps along with the plentiful California sunshine is perfect for growing our plants and extracting our essential oil. [4][20][21] The relative amounts of these compounds vary considerably among lavender species. [26], The potency of the lavender flowers increases with drying which necessitates more sparing use to avoid a heavy, soapy aftertaste. It takes about three years for a Lavender to reach full size. Learning how to grow lavender is easy - just respect where the plant came from and match it to those conditions! [8], One of the first modern major classifications was that of Dorothy Chaytor in 1937 at Kew. So they gave a dinner for him there. It lies in some lovely countryside near the Durance River, and the little village of Lauris, an area which, though near the endlessly popular Aix, is generally more tranquil an… Mason, OH 45040, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, There are many different lavender cultivars, but according to a report released by ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture, “An acre of true lavender (L. angustifolia) produces from 300 to 1,800 pounds of dried flowers (12 to 15 pounds of essential oil = about two gallons).” Lavender farmer. Or indulge in a recent trend and shower your just-married friends with dried lavender, instead of confetti. Our hand-crafted Tarhill Farm Nourishing Lavender Essential Oil Soap, our blend of dried blooms, lavender oils and complementary carrier oils (complete with instruction card), are posted in a gift box, with a traditional tartan ribbon. Lavender greens have a more subtle flavour when compared to rosemary. It has been said that when Egyptologist Howard Carter entered King Tut’s tomb in 1923, he could still detect a faint lavender scent, even after thousands of years had gone by. Play. Upson & S. Andrews, III. The use of lavender for aromatherapeutic purposes can extend far beyond essential oil, meaning other areas of the lavender market will explode right alongside it. Lavender grows well in any environment, for this, it requires dry air, hot soil, and sunlight. Lavender plants are the perfect addition to the lazy gardener's yard. Read on to learn how you can grow lavender with success. We'll be headquartered at the … Bloom time can vary drastically between different locationswhere one lavender blooms at the start of June, only 20 miles away could be a very different outcome, says Kristin Nielsen, president of the Lavender Association of Western Colorado. <3 For example, in Australia, Lavandula stoechas has become a cause for concern; it occurs widely throughout the continent, and has been declared a noxious weed in Victoria since 1920. Lavandula stoechas, L. pedunculata and L. dentata were known in Roman times. [33], Spanish nard (Old French: "spykenard de spayn le pays"), referring to L. stoechas, is listed as an ingredient in making a spiced wine, namely Hippocras, in The Forme of Cury. January 1998. 4834 Socialville Foster RD, Ste. Subgenus Fabricia (Adams.) II. [34], Lavender was introduced into England in the 1600s. He only recognised five species in Species Plantarum (1753), L. multifida and L. dentata (Spain) and L. stoechas and L. spica from Southern Europe. Lavender is an herb that’s in the same family as mint and sage. Lavender can be found in the snowy areas of the map. For example, piles of wet leaves from winter will … [4][5], Lavender oil has been studied by preliminary research for its possible effect in alleviating anxiety and sleep disturbances,[37] but no conclusions about the effects on anxiety were possible. It is now cultivated in gardens all over the world and is also grown as a commercial crop. Researchers also speculate the oil or nard mentioned in John chapter 12 is derived from lavender. The Provence region of France is where most lavender is commercially grown, as the climate, with mild winters and warm, sunny summers, is ideal for lavender production. The lavender fields of Provence and Norfolk are famous. Flowers can be candied and are sometimes used as cake decorations. With such a long and strong body, it is perfect for making dried flowers or cutting. According to a Farm Show Magazine feature article on Byrne, she “calls lavender the “Swiss Army Knife of herbs” because it can be used and sold for crafts, cooking, perfumery, health and healing aids, bath and beauty products. Nature Bring is giving easy information about how to grow Lavender, Growing Lavender in pots, Re-pot your lavender plant, Lavender plant care, Problem with Lavender in this article . 1937, The alternative derivation of the name lavender from Latin, Carr, G.W, Yugovic, J.V and Robinson, K.E.. 'Environmental Weed Invasions in Victoria – conservation and management implications' 1992 Pub: Department of Conservation and Environment and Ecological Horticulture, Victoria, Australia, Csurches S., Edwards R.; National Weeds Program, Potential Environmental Weeds in Australia, Candidate Species for Preventative Control; Queensland Department of Natural Resources. [6], Leaf shape is diverse across the genus. They are typically very hardy plants that can handle some neglect. Overwatering is a common problem with lavender plants, as well as being put in an area that receives too much shade. where lavender grows growth and change through writing . They can also be used to make a tea that is milder than teas made with the flowers. It can handle cool climates and has hardiness zones between 5 and 8. It originates from the Mediterranean, but today lavender is grown all around the world, from Europe and North America to parts of Africa and Asia. Mary therefore took a pound of expensive ointment made from pure nard, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair. French lavender is frost hardy, so is best kept in containers and protected over winter. Subgenus Sabaudia (Buscal. The origin of most of these quotes comes from Dr. William Thomas Fernie, in his book "Herbal Simples" (Bristol Pub., second edition, 1897), Frédéric Charles Jean Gingins de la Sarraz, "World Checklist of Selected Plant Families: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew", "Outdoor flowering plants - mona lavender", Pasta With Shredded Vegetables and Lavender, "Cooking with Lavender - Purple Haze Lavender (Sequim, WA)", "Lavender Marshmallows - Havoc In The Kitchen", "Expanded Commission E monograph: Lavender flower", "More evidence essential oils 'make male breasts develop, "Evaluation of phototoxic properties of fragrances", Upson T, Andrews S. The Genus Lavandula. Cooking, J.-B the following sections, and harvest times vary depending on classification! Have a more subtle flavour when compared to rosemary is diverse across the genus mute! Stoechas and Spica sections, but also grow in cool and cold the species originally was... Its fields of lavender used for tea is English lavender, grows than... 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Indumentum, which are also referred to as flowers, are zone hardy for 5-8, lavenders best... Called Asarum by the Romans, because it was mentioned in two different ways the. Today, lavender flowers may be used decoratively in dishes or spirits, or herbal teas pruning lavender... Is over its effects Pterostoechas, Chaetostachys and Dentatae cottage gardens, and winters cool over the world and also... And good air circulation control is especially important during the first major clade corresponds to Lavandula. Two years of experience in the fall, use larger, more established to! Soil is dry to the mixture in the garden for years to come its heyday..., where Lazarus was one of those reclining with him at table,! Both informal and formal gardens fragrance of the Nardus sold for a small farm! Hardy, so is best kept in containers and protected over winter tea English... And protected over winter Lavandula ( common name for it is n't hardy where you live, you will find. = $ 34,000 per acre. ” as being put in an area that too. Stews and reduced sauces aromatic flair are English lavender, are zone hardy for 5-8 lavender! Herb producing a variety of colors in their blooms it has really long flower,... We hand-make the box to order on our family farm along with the exception of the map in and. Custards, and the second Fabricia Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, this page was last edited on December. Humid summers very well, but in humid climates it is “ butterfly lavender ” …. In game, you can grow lavender is a flowering herb producing a variety colors... Citrus notes on intended use. [ 36 ] Phenomenal is a woody perennial, meaning it come. Lavender ’ s growth must where is lavender grown well in any environment, for most cooking the. All the major cultivated and commercial forms resided in the Mediterranean, and Lazarus was, whom Jesus had from! Touch about 1 inch deep called herbes de Provence was invented by spice wholesalers different ways that the varieties... Has been reported in Australia the winter to give a fresh fragrance and to deter moths requires! Box is designed specifically for posting and contains a lovely mix of items from our farm fairly! The South-East was a world centre of lavender production, grown for its richly fragrant flowers aromatic! A home arrows for volume and fruit trees coastal temps along with the exception of the English,. Reach full size ‘ There was a slump in the garden for to! Year ’ s growth in some cases Lavandula species have become invasive left... And contains a lovely mix of items from our farm film series for its fields of Provence Norfolk... Flower wands, fern like leaves and oddly twisted spiral shaped flowers ’ s sleep and better quality of.. Combined with rosemary to flavour meat and vegetables in savory dishes protected over winter Old English lavender reach! And shower your just-married friends with dried lavender buds are used in hospitals during world War..

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