Catling, P.M., V.R. Almost 20 rare (S1-S3) plant species are present where the Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid occurs, and numerous rare insect species probably are also associated with many of the sites where it grows. Some management activities, including prescribed burns and control of invasive species using herbicides, have the potential to harm some species, at least in the short term. The flower likes native grassy meadows, but most of those in Ohio were turned into farm fields over a century ago. The IUCN does not currently recognize it as being at risk. and willows. This orchid has always been relatively rare throughout its range and has highly specific habitat preferences. The conservation status of a species or ecosystem is designated by a number from 1 to 5, preceded by the letter G, N or S reflecting the appropriate geographic scale of the assessment. Insufficient data exists to suggest total population numbers that would be meaningful or reliable. 2002. The Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid (Platanthera leucophaea) is a tall perennial orchid that has been documented in Canada at only 32 sites in Ontario, of which only 21 are believed to be extant. This recovery strategy will be followed by one or more action plans that will provide information on recovery measures to be taken by Environment Canada, the Parks Canada Agency and other jurisdictions and/or organizations involved in the conservation of the species. Protocorm or rhizome? 2001, Sharma et al. The Federal Threatened Eastern Prairie Fringed Orchid, Platanthera leucophaea (Nutt.) Some of the largest global populations of this plant are found in Ontario. Notes on Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid: Biology and Response to Management. Catastrophic events such as prolonged flooding or drought may induce extended periods (one or more years) in a subterranean, dormant or mycotrophic state[5] for entire populations (COSEWIC 2003). Ontario Recovery Strategy Series. Fish & Wildlife Service 1999). Eastern prairie fringed orchid is found in moist alkaline and lacustrine soils. Ottawa. Funded by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. The population and distribution objectives established by Environment Canada for the Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid in Canada are to maintain the 16 populations that are believed to be extant, to reverse the declining population trends at extant locations and to restore occurrences at historic sites, if biologically and technically feasible, within the species’ Canadian range. Fish and Wildlife Service. It grows in a wide variety of habitats, from mesic prairie to wetlands such as sedge meadows, marsh edges, even bogs. 2003. Common Reed is known to be severely threatening populations of this orchid species in Kent County and is encroaching on the population at Minesing Swamp (Haggeman 2004, S. Robinson pers. 1999, Cuthrell et al. Zettler, J.W. Today, 21 populations of a total of 32 reported occurrences are believed to be current or extant in Ontario (figure 2), and the remaining 11 are considered historic (not confirmed for 20 years) or extirpated (COSEWIC 2003). Any … 2000. The main threats to this species are habitat loss due to development and agriculture, competition from invasive species, modifications to drainage for agriculture or development, changes to nutrient regimes, damage by recreational vehicles, trampling by humans, successional change and herbivory (grazing by animals). Web site: [accessed: September 9, 2009]. Tallgrass Communities of Southern Ontario: A Recovery Plan. 2012. Open Northern White Cedar (Thuja occidentalis)-Tamarack (Larix laricina) peatland fens with sedges (Carex spp. Location of the 16 extant populations of the Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid in Ontario. Chang, C., Y.C. Other less common associates includeSweet Gale, Northern Pitcher-plant, Bog Buckbean, Bog Rosemary, Sheep-laurel (Kalmia polifolia), Royal Fern, Twig Rush, cottongrass, Dragon's Mouth, Rose Pogonia, Spotted Joe-pye Weed, Boneset, Labrador Tea, Narrow-leaved Meadow-sweet, Bog Goldenrod, Rough Goldenrod, Red-osier Dogwood, Marsh Bellflower, blueberry (Vaccinium spp. Update Status Report on Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid (Platanthera leucophaea). The planning process based on national guidelines directly incorporates consideration of all environmental effects, with a particular focus on possible impacts upon non-target species or habitats. Haselmayer, J. Therefore, the site occupancy criterion is defined as sites where the Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid has been observed between 1990 and 2009. Although germination and mycorrhizal associations for this species have been studied in the United States, specific requirements in Canada are not well known. ), Holy Grass (Hierochloe odorata), Whorled Loosestrife (Lysimachia quadrifolia), Culver's-root (Veronicastrum virginicum), Ironweed (Vernonia missurica), Eastern Yellow Star Grass (Hypoxis hirsuta), Slender-leaved Agalinis (Agalinis tenuifolia), Skinner's Purple False Foxglove (A. skinneriana), Gattinger's False Foxglove (A. gattingeri), Sullivant's Milkweed (Asclepias sullivantii), Small White Lady's-slipper (Cypripedium candidum), Small Yellow Lady's-slipper (C. calceolus var. To donate, visit the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin [exit DNR]. Crosson, A.E., J.C. Dunford, and D.K. Some species at risk (e.g., Riddell’s Goldenrod, Willowleaf Aster) were newly recorded (in 2007) at St. Clair NWA, probably as a result of prescribed burning undertaken to restore habitat. Since stem counts of this orchid may vary widely between years, even at the same site, specific numerical population objectives have not been suggested. Jacobs. Leaves are long, usually 8 to 20 centimetres, and oval or spear-shaped, and they occur alternately along the stem. The Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid is associated with rare habitat types (wet prairies and fens) that are ecologically diverse. Role of fluctuation of the water table: Some Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid populations are found in fens or wet prairies, which have a history of short or longer term fluctuation of the water table; other populations appear to be in wetlands (usually fens) with relatively stable water tables. Assessment of the reintroduction potential of five federally threatened and endangered plant species in Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie. At the St. Clair National Wildlife Area (NWA), Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid populations have been monitored most years since 1991. Suitable habitat for the Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid in Ontario is rare and has likely never been abundant; habitat is probably limiting for this species due to its very narrow habitat preference (COSEWIC 2003). NatureServe Explorer: an online encyclopedia of life [web application]. The quantity of habitat required for the long-term persistence of the Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid is unknown (Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid Recovery Team 2010). Return to the table of contents - Appendix 3. Robinson, S. pers. Complete the ranking of sites, using new information collected, as more sites have been discovered and more information collected since the ranking study was conducted. 2007). Fish and Wildlife Service 1996). The range of this orchid is centred in the Great Lakes region and extends west to Iowa, south to Illinois, Indiana and Ohio, east to Virginia and north to Ontario. Bedrock cultural thicket/swamp over sedimentary limestone with willows and dogwoods as dominants including Meadow Willow (Salix petiolaris), Pussy Willow (Salix discolour), Red-osier Dogwood, Narrow-leaved Meadow-sweet, Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), goldenrods, Common Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), Swamp Milkweed, Determine the ideal protection strategy (easement, acquisition, stewardship) for each site, Update or complete wetland evaluations and prairie community assessments to determine their significance and the potential for protection under the Provincial Policy Statement (, Provide habitat mapping and/or wetland and prairie community maps to municipalities and other planning agencies, Work with municipalities to adopt protection in official plans, other planning documents and municipal plan review processes, Work with municipalities to assist in preserving wetlands and in protecting lands adjacent to them. The Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid populations are sensitive to hydrological and successional changes. Learn more about ways to Connect with DNR. 1992). American Midland Naturalist 154 (2): 273-285. NatureServe. 2005. Typically reaching a height of 50 to 100 centimetres, this orchid is characterized by a single terminal flowering spike consisting of 10 to 40 creamy white, showy flowers. Figure 1. At the Kent County site, the Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid appears to respond positively to early spring burning (J. Haggeman pers. Maintain and restore open habitat through selective clearing and brushing. Clearly, the conservation and management of these habitats is expected to benefit many species dependent on them. Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy SeriesAdopted under Section 44 of SARA, Recovery Strategy for the Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid (Platanthera leucophaea) in Canada – 2012. Également disponible en français sous le titre « Programme de rétablissement de la platanthère blanchâtre de l’Est (Platanthera leucophaea) au Canada », © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of the Environment, 2012. This orchid’s microhabitat has been described in Ontario as existing in three general areas: fens, tallgrass prairie and moist old fields (S. Brinker pers. This orchid is infrequently found in old field situations. Historical and current distribution in Ontario, Table 1. Conduct population surveys and habitat assessment at extant and historical sites. Therefore, in keeping with the precautionary principle, a full recovery strategy has been prepared as would be done when recovery is determined to be feasible. Over 35% of known populations are found on hay meadows. Environment Canada has included an addition which completes the SARA requirements for this recovery strategy. vi + 30 pp. Bowles, M.L. Open graminoid fen dominated by Common Reed with sedges and other vegetation such as Marsh Fern, Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris), Bog Buckbean, Water Horsetail, Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata), Spotted Joe-pye Weed, Hooded Skullcap (Scutellaria galericulata), Northern Bugleweed (Lycopus uniflorus), Marsh Bedstraw (Galium palustre), Royal Fern, Swamp Rose (Rosa palustris) and Blueflag. The distance separating populations in Ontario may result in colonies that are strongly differentiated genetically. 2007). Protection and recovery objectives, Table 3. Recovery plan for the eastern prairie white fringed orchid Platanthera leucophaea (Nuttall) Lindley. Deep peat-based organic soils in open graminoid fens with the following associated species: Wire Sedge, Yellow Sedge (Carex flava), Common Reed (Phragmites australis ssp. Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid Recovery Team. 20 pp. 149:104-120. The Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid requires full sunlight and little competition from surrounding vegetation, circumneutral soils and moist conditions. 43 pp. in Wisconsin. Some aspects of the status and ecology of seven rare wetland plant species in the Chicago region of northeastern Illinois. Addition to the Recovery Strategy for the Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid 2012 3 . 1993). 1999. 2005. Table 1 lists the sub-national ranks for the species at the state/province level. Havens, K., and A. Buerkle. Mats may contain marl below the raised acidic hummocks, Highly diverse wet mesic prairie with bluestem (Andropogon spp.) Certain life history characteristics may also limit this orchid’s recovery. Restore habitat and reintroduce the Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid where appropriate and feasible. American Journal of Botany 90 (2):235-242. Oldham, M. 2000. An evaluation and prioritization of populations of the Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid has been undertaken to inform recovery actions (Brownell 2002). australis). Lindl. Sites in Ontario Containing Critical Habitat for the Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid. and scattered shrubs. 16 pp. Consequently, the Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid’s survival is vulnerable to population changes in these insects, which require large tracts of land where they can obtain nectar from a variety of sources (Brownell & Catling 2000). 1999). Pollination and other insect interactions of the eastern prairie fringed orchid (Platanthera leucophaea) (Nuttall) Lindl.) comm. In addition to this, several public consultation events were held regarding the proposed provincial Government Response Statement (GRS) in the spring of 2010 and the proposed GRS was posted for review and input on the EBR website in September, 2010. Stewart, M.L. Eastern Prairie White Fringed Orchid (Platanthera leucophaea), a Wisconsin Endangered and Federal Threatened plant, is found in moist, undisturbed, deep-soiled and/or calcareous prairies and rarely in tamarack fens. In 2007, this orchid was discovered at a new location in the Windsor area. Prescribed burning at Ojibway Prairie Provincial Nature Reserve has been carried out several times since 1982, and “wildfires” occurred regularly before then. Since the mid-1990s, habitat has been actively managed, with significant response. 1999. The pollinators of Ohio and Michigan populations of Eastern Prairie Fringed orchid (Platanthera leucophaea). Thanks very much to Kristopher Lah of the Illinois U.S. A rare plant management plan has also been completed for the park. americanus), sphagnum mosses, Sweet Gale (Myrica gale), Small Purple-fringed Orchid, the hybrid fringed-orchid (Platanthera x. reznicekii), Northern Pitcher-plant (Sarracenia purpurea), Bog Buckbean (Menyanthes trifoliata), Royal Fern (Osmunda regalis), Twig Rush, cottongrass (Eriophorum spp. Fens (peat-forming wetlands fed by groundwater), Fens dominated by Common Reed (Phragmites australis, Poor fen mats around lakes dominated by sphagnum moss (Sphagnum, Old fields with Canada Bluegrass (Poa compressa), Wooly Sedge (Carex pellita), rushes (Juncus, Open Northern White Cedar (Thuja occidentalis) - Tamarack (Larix laricina) peatland fens with sedges (Carex, Deep peat based organic soils in open graminoid fens with the following associated species: Wire Sedge, Yellow Sedge (Carex flava), Common Reed (Phragmites australis, Open Wire Sedge fen dominated by Sweet Gale and Marsh Fern (Thelypteris palustris), with the following associates: Bog Willow (Salix pedicellaris), Red-osierDogwood, Narrow-leaved Meadow-sweet, Swamp Birch (Betula pumila), Royal Fern, Bog Goldenrod, Marsh. This table lists the ecological landscape association scores for Eastern Prairie White Fringed Orchid. The activities to obtain this information are outlined in the schedule of studies (Table 2). U.S.FWS Species profile about species listing status, federal register publications, recovery, critical habitat, conservation planning, petitions, and life history U.S. The role of water levels needs to be investigated and quantified. Despite the apparently large number of occurrences, however, many of these populations are extremely small and may not be viable (Brownell & Catling 2000). The SEA concluded that this strategy will clearly benefit the environment and will not entail any significant adverse effects. lindheimeri), Richardson Rush (Juncus alpinoarticulatus), Swamp Birch (Betula pumila), Kalm's Lobelia (Lobelia kalmii), Four-flowered Loosestrife (Lysimachia quadriflora), Bird's-eye Primrose (Primula mistassinica), Balsam Ragweed (Senecio pauperculus), Common Sneezeweed (Helenium autumnale), Prairie Goldenrod (Solidago ptarmicoides) and Northern Bugleweed (Lycopus uniflorus). Take '' ( mortality ) of this orchid at Beaverdale Bog that had not been consistently across! Species has been found in the Holland Marsh in 2005, along fluctuating limestone shoreline and in some,! Through selective clearing and brushing to become Endangered in the emergence and of... Surveys and habitat attributes Determine extent of the Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid in North America turtle species at risk differ! 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