[3] US-backed counterrevolutionary forces, or “contras,” battled the left-wing Sandinista government in decade-long civil war in the 1980s, which claimed more than 36,000 lives. The ex-commander noted that when Contras occupied towns, they “gathered the residents in the town square, selected those civilians … Written and directed by Joe Camp, Benji starred a mutt named Higgins, who had been rescued as a puppy from a California ...read more, An earthquake hits the San Francisco Bay Area on October 17, 1989, killing 67 people and causing more than $5 billion in damages. Sie führten Anschläge … Die Contra-Rebellen operierten vor allem von Stützpunkten im Nachbarland Honduras aus. However, news sources began to break the story about the Iran-Contra scandal only a short time later. This is concurrent with U.S. efforts at diplomatic initiatives and the strengthening of pro-U.S. regimes in Central America. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/u-s-aid-to-contras-signed-into-law. Congress broke the $ 100 million into two installments. Steele was head of a US team of special military advisers that trained units of El Salvador's security forces in counterinsurgency. Listen to our podcast. Let's say you bought 2,000 shares of company ABC at $5 apiece on Monday, which is known as T+0. The Contras' Chaplains 1. The funds from the weapons sale were going to benefit the Contras, a guerrilla terrorist organization that opposed the Sandinistas. 46 (2): 101–132. 19% blamed the war and US … American involvement in the Contra movement soon became public, however, as did disturbing reports about the behavior of the Contra force. In a short-lived victory for the Nicaraguan policy of the Reagan administration, the President signs into law an act of Congress approving $100 million of military and “humanitarian” aid for the Contras. Iran-Contra Affair, 1980s U.S. political scandal in which the National Security Council became involved in secret weapons transactions with Iran, covert support of the Nicaraguan contras, and other activities that either were prohibited by the U.S. Congress or violated the stated government policy. In the summer of 1777, General Burgoyne led an army of 8,000 men south through New York in an effort to join ...read more, On October 17, 1912, following the example of Montenegro, their smaller ally in the tumultuous Balkan region of Europe, Serbia and Greece declare war on the Ottoman Empire, beginning the First Balkan War in earnest. Under congressional restrictions, $ 70 million can be used for military hardware, $ 27 million for medical supplies, food and other nonlethal aid and $ 3 million for monitoring human-rights conditions. The soldiers come out of an airplane. The remaining $ 40 million becomes available Feb. 15 and can be used for heavier weaponry, such as artillery. Tucked away in the western part of Arkansas is a little town known as Mena. It will be a mix of military and nonmilitary items, with rifles, ammunition and grenade launchers expected to be in the earliest deliveries. The Iran-Contra Affair, also known as “The Iran-Contra Scandal” and “Irangate,” may not have happened were it not for the political climate in the early 1980s. 1. Routine testing of creatinine before administration of iodinated contrast material is not necessary in all patients ().Suggested indications for creatinine testing before administration of iodinated contrast material are listed in Table 2, with one of the most important risk factors being a personal or family history of renal disease (). As U.S. military leaders zero in on U.S. training sites, Gen. John R. Galvin, head of the Southern Command in Panama, which commands U.S. forces that move in and out of Latin America, is drafting a detailed military plan for making the best use of the $ 100 million in military and economic aid that Congress recently approved for the contras, as the rebels are known. ... ran weapons and supplies to the Contras. Knowledge of Drug Trafficking and the Contras The National Security Archive obtained the hand-written notebooks of Oliver North, the National Security Council aide who helped run the contra war and other Reagan administration covert operations, through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed in 1989. Needless to say, they weren’t so thrilled about it. Call (561) 795-5558 or The Contras backup plan was to attack the Sandinistas economic popularity. Information provided by Life Publishers of Miami Or purchase a subscription for unlimited access to real news you can count on. Reed says he was working for North by 1983. Wilhelm Voigt, a 57-year-old German shoemaker, impersonates an army officer and leads an entire squad of soldiers to help him steal 4,000 marks. It finds that foreign-trained physicians are more likely than U.S.-trained doctors to practice in lower-income and disadvantaged communities and, as a result, their presence is critically important. The official said that El Salvador, Honduras and Costa Rica had declined to allow the United States to train the anti-Government rebels, known … The bulk of their 12,000-odd troops, freshly trained and equipped, are fighting inside Nicaragua doi:10.1111/j.1548-2456.2004.tb00277.x. One central question is whether the antigovernment forces should be trained for a long, small-unit campaign -- as the Vietcong conducted in Vietnam before North Vietnamese troops took over that war -- or organized and equipped for large-unit actions. Within a couple of months the peace plan was totally dead. The investigation uncovered a scheme whereby some of the funds from illegal U.S. arms sales to Iran were funneled to the Contras. Galvin, the Joint Chiefs, CIA specialists and White House officials are trying to set objectives for the contras' war, officials said. June 1987 36.00 Endorsed by History 17/01/20 “Secret war on the Soviet Union”: why do KGB officers were trained by the Sandinistas in Nicaragua the Participation of Soviet troops in the fighting in Nicaragua against the contras remained in the shadow of the Afghan war, which ran in parallel. Paralife organizational outline, distributed in 1986. At least 67 commanders from five guerrilla groups representing all fronts in the growing war were intensively trained for two months at a secret military … AFFECT The Contras were defeated and fled to Honduras. Reagan is required under the aid legislation to report to Congress periodically on human-rights issues and progress toward regional negotiations to bring peace to Latin America. On Friday, President Reagan signed the executive order that opened the way for the new flow of money to the 20,000 contras in Nicaragua. Almost every officer and soldier of the Guardia received some direct training from U.S. sources. At the beginning of the civil war against the socialist Sandinista regime in Nicaragua, two US Presidents secretly funneled funds to help the Contras. The original contras had been National Guardsmen during the regime of Anastasio Somoza (see Somoza family). Der Contra-Krieg war ein von 1981 bis 1990 mit maßgeblicher Unterstützung der Vereinigten Staaten geführter Guerilla-Krieg der Contra-Rebellen gegen die linksgerichtete sandinistische Regierung Nicaraguas. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! He said the Contras were led not by freedom-loving democrats, but by elites “directed and controlled by officers of” the National Guard of the former US-backed Somoza dictatorship. US special operations forces on Saturday rescued an American citizen taken hostage by armed men earlier this week in Niger and held in northern Nigeria, the Pentagon said. The US had from the start supported the Contras, who were remnants of Somoza's National Guard. The Arab-dominated Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) announces a decision to cut oil exports to the United States and other nations that provided military aid to Israel in the Yom Kippur War of October 1973. HISTORY reviews and updates its content regularly to ensure it is complete and accurate. Alphonse Gabriel Capone was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1899 to Italian ...read more, On October 17, 1974, President Gerald Ford explains to Congress why he had chosen to pardon his predecessor, Richard Nixon, rather than allow Congress to pursue legal action against the former president. ... From personal to business shipments, the use of trained personnel with experience in the handling of parcels for professional delivery, logistics and delivery processes. The training will include how to handle the weaponry the contras will be getting, ranging from antiaircraft missiles to light artillery, along with field tactics suitable for guerrilla warfare. Issues being addressed by the Southern Command, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the White House National Security Council range from war-fighting tactics to programs for winning over the general populace of Nicaragua, officials said. Voigt, who had a long criminal record, humiliated the German army by exploiting their blind obedience to authority and getting them to ...read more, British general and playwright John Burgoyne surrenders 5,000 British and Hessian troops to American General Horatio Gates at Saratoga, New York, on October 17, 1777. "use strict";(function(){var insertion=document.getElementById("citation-access-date");var date=new Date().toLocaleDateString(undefined,{month:"long",day:"numeric",year:"numeric"});insertion.parentElement.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(date),insertion)})(); FACT CHECK: We strive for accuracy and fairness. Nicaraguan right-wing exiles conducting a guerrilla campaign against the Even before this action, however, the Reagan administration had been covertly subverting any attempts to limit the Contra war through extra-legal and illegal means (one result being the Iran-Contra scandal). According to our nation’s paper of record, the New York Times, the Nicaraguan Contras re-activated some time ago in order to take on their old foe, Daniel Ortega, who had been re-elected in 2007 after a long hiatus of 17 years. But officials said yesterday that there is no long-range military plan for using the $ 100 million and the amounts the administration will try to get later. The attacks were not a recent development, however. Air Supply Ops The second Boland Amendment prohibited the CIA from providing the operational support to the Contras that it once had. Nor does it mean that we Though this was one of the most powerful and destructive earthquakes ever to hit a populated area of the United States, the death toll could have been ...read more. Abdominal Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) Abdominal contrast-enhanced ultrasound, also called CEUS, is an ultrasound examination that uses gas-filled microbubbles to better visualize organs and blood vessels within the Besides locating the training site, government agencies are wrestling with the question of how to make the best use of the $ 100 million that proved so hard to get from Congress. Nicaragua is a perfect example of a small Latin American country being under crossfire by super powers. Send us your questions. Funded by US tax dollars, armed with US weapons, and trained by American Green Berets, anti-Sihanouk forces called Kampuchea Khmer Krom (KKK) overran Iraq . Buying that gear and training the contra squad and company commanders to use it, officials said, will be expensive and time-consuming. (Morales) agreed to provide financial support to the FRS, in addition to aircraft and training for FRS pilots. CERT fundraising letter, Sept. 16, 1985. The Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps have been directed to make detailed recommendations for suitable training sites in the United States, sources said. The CIA provided the Contras with planning and operational direction and assistance, weapons, food, and training, in what was described as the "most ambitious" covert operation in more than a decade. Contraband definition, anything prohibited by law from being imported or exported. Governments there did not want to invite retaliation from the Sandinista government of Nicaragua, sources said. Of those polled, 85% opposed any further US aid to the Contras, 40% believed the Sandinista government to be democratic while 48% believed it to be not democratic. By 1980, Nicaraguan exiles were being trained at camps run by Cuban exiles in Florida (in 1960, the U.S. had used Nicaragua as a staging area for the unsuccessful Bay of Pigs invasion). [48] In addition to the Contra units who continued to be loyal to Somoza, the FSLN also began to face opposition from members of the ethnic minority groups that … The seven of us who later took questions from reporters had never worked together. Documentation of Official U.S. Salvadoran troop leaders have had small-unit training at Fort Benning, but there has been no known training of contras on U.S. soil. However, in March, 1970, a CIA-backed coup finally did the job. 570 THE INDIAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE Month & Year US $ in Remarks millions humanitarian aid package for the contras. According to OPEC, exports were to be reduced by 5 ...read more, On October 17, 1931, gangster Al Capone is sentenced to 11 years in prison for tax evasion and fined $80,000, signaling the downfall of one of the most notorious criminals of the 1920s and 1930s. © 2020 A&E Television Networks, LLC. The Contra war effort staggered on, creating death and destruction in the Nicaraguan countryside and little else, until a peace plan put together by Costa Rican President Oscar Arias was finally accepted by the Sandinista government. See more. The Reagan administration has tentatively decided to train Nicaraguan contra troops in the United States after Costa Rica, El Salvador and Honduras objected to use of their territory, U.S. officials said yesterday. John Negroponte’s Honduras Among the U.S.-trained Honduran troops were members of the sinister Battalion 3-16, accused of scores of kidnappings and human rights abuses against … If anything the Contras are in better shape now than at any time since 1984. The State Department will provide overall policy guidance for the contra program, the U.S. military will train contra unit commanders and the Central Intelligence Agency will support the contra operations at arm's length from outposts around -- but not in -- Nicaragua, according to administration officials. June 1986 100.00 Endorsed by the House of Repre-sentatives. Although the Contras’ camps received Sign up now to learn about This Day in History straight from your inbox. At one point upon discovery of this scheme, the US Congress stopped the funding. "Reassessing the Causes of Nongovernmental Terrorism in Latin America". In collaborating with Goodwill Industries International, our partner non-profits are able to generate revenue to expand their missions and support people connect to jobs in their local communities through training and support services. After undergoing flight training, the FRS pilots were to continue to work for the FRS, but would also fly narcotics shipments from South America to sites in Costa Rica and Nicaragua for later transport to the United States. Radio gear to enable small contra forces to keep in touch with each other and call in supply aircraft is one of the big needs, according to U.S. military planners. Even with this illegal aid the Contra effort stalled by late 1985. That is a paper cost of $10,000. The United States also had military advisors based in Nicaragua who trained over 4000 Guardia members. In the ten years prior to the overthrow of the Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza in 1979, US television - all networks - devoted exactly one hour to Nicaragua, and that was entirely on the Managua earthquake of 1972. Congress can halt the February aid by a vote of both chambers. Nicaraguan contras synonyms, Nicaraguan contras pronunciation, Nicaraguan contras translation, English dictionary definition of Nicaraguan contras. A town of 5,400 people that harbored the airport for one of the busiest drug smuggling in operations in the world. Larry Speakes, the White House spokesman said tonight, ''There are no specific plans under consideration for any trainers for the contras.'' Air Force bases away from population centers are the leading candidates, officials said, although they would not specify which one is at the top of the list. Reagan claimed that the Sandinista government was a satellite of the Soviet Union, that Nicaragua was instigating revolution in neighboring Central American nations, and that the Contras were merely to be used as a “shield” against any possible Sandinista encroachments in the region. We’ll be answering some of them in upcoming stories. The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency played a key role in training and funding the group, whose tactics were decried by the international human-rights community. Congress, and a majority of the American public, had not been supportive of the Reagan administration’s efforts to topple the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. The unit commanders would then return to Nicaragua to pass on their skills to their men. Some contras, the sources said, will soon be trained as pilots and paratroopers, either in Honduras or the United States. Covert activities are viewed as the best way to pressure the regime. History Origins The Contras were not a monolithic group, but a combination of three distinct elements of Nicaraguan society: [1] Ex-guardsmen of the Nicaraguan National Guard and other right wing figures who had fought for Nicaragua's ex-dictator Somoza [2] – these later were especially found in the military wing of the FDN. They have been told the site must be remote to minimize adverse publicity and citizen opposition. That does not mean that they would now disappear if we withdrew our support. Many of the initial Contras were former members of the Somoza regime's National Guard unit and many were still loyal to Somoza, who was living in exile in Honduras. The Contras are trained by Argentineans and operated out of Honduras. People identified the war as the largest problem but were less likely to blame it for economic problems compared to a December 1986 poll. Planners at the Defense and State departments, the CIA and the White House are moving ahead on the assumption that Congress, now that it has voted to resume U.S. aid, will go along with low-profile training of selected contras on U.S. soil. It wasn't just the events in El Salvador that were ignored by the mainstream US media during the 1970s. November 28, 2020 - See Press Release: Bay Area Health Officers' Statement in Support of Santa Clara County's New COVID Measures. Ever since the 1979 revolution, the Contras had been intent on invading this remote region, about 300 miles from Managua. The estimated number probably does not include former Green Beret forces as well as CIA operatives who served as advisers to the Contras. US to get COVID vaccines 1st because it's center of pandemic, big investor: Official Dec 10, 5:00 AM Trump makes loyalty list that GOP will check before joining: The Note Cut off U.S. support to the Contras were defeated and fled to Honduras town of 5,400 people harbored... Which resulted in the world to provide financial support to the Contras that it Once.! It for economic problems compared to a december 1986 poll who trained over 4000 Guardia.. To train unit commanders would then return to Syrian rebel groups with whom the US had from the Post... 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